The Benefits Of Regular Dental Care For Horses

Dental health is important for horses of all ages. Horses continued to chew throughout their lives, which means that teeth continue to develop and grow throughout the horse’s life. 

Good dental care can help maintain your horse’s overall health and well-being by preventing serious problems from occurring.

Equine Dental Care – Teeth Issues affecting horse health
Key Takeaways
Regular dental care is crucial for a horse’s overall health and wellness
Problems with a horse’s teeth can lead to pain, discomfort, and difficulty chewing
Proper dental care can help prevent issues, improve digestion, and enhance performance
Horses should receive a dental exam and floating (filing sharp points) at least once a year
Signs that your horse may be experiencing dental issues include difficulty chewing, weight loss, and head tossing
Providing a proper diet and regular cleaning can help maintain dental health between vet check-ups

Improved Feed Efficiency.

Improved Feed Efficiency.

Improved feed efficiency is the result of better chewing and digestion, which can reduce the amount of feed required to maintain a healthy weight as well as reduce the amount of feed needed to achieve a desired body condition score.

Regular vet check-ups play a crucial role in maintaining a horse’s health. Learn more about the importance of regular vet check-ups to ensure you are taking the necessary steps to keep your horse healthy.

Increased Body Condition and Weight

Weight gain is a sign of good dental health. If your horse is gaining weight, this means that he’s eating more and feeling better. You can use this information to help determine his body condition score (BCS).

Weight loss can also be used as an indicator of poor dental health, though it isn’t as reliable because other factors could be contributing to the weight loss. 

A veterinarian should examine any horse who loses weight quickly or at all without explanation before deciding if their diet needs adjusting or if they need medical attention beyond what you can provide at home

Fewer problemsRegular dental care reduces issues during treatment
Reduced painProper dental care minimizes pain and discomfort
Improved hygieneRegular cleaning reduces risk of infection and inflammation
Better performanceHealthy teeth allow for proper chewing and improved digestion
Cost-effectivePreventative care is less expensive than treating dental issues

Regular dental care is crucial for horses to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Horses that receive routine care will have fewer problems during treatment, such as reduced pain and improved hygiene. Proper dental hygiene is also important for better performance and is more cost-effective than treatment for severe issues.

Reduced Feed Volume

Feed efficiency is the amount of feed that is converted into useful energy and nutrients by the horse’s digestive system, and it’s directly related to how much chewing your horse has to do. 

The more dental problems he has, the more he’ll have to chew his food before swallowing it. This means less of his food will be digested efficiently–and more wasted in the process–which can lead to weight gain or loss depending on whether he eats too much or not enough!

Equine colic can be a serious and often fatal illness in horses. To learn more about understanding and preventing equine colic, check out our guide to help keep your horse healthy and prevent potential health issues.

Better Bit Acceptance

If you’re like me, your horse is an extension of yourself. You love him as much as I do. So when it comes time to get him ready for a ride and he refuses to accept the bit in his mouth? It can be very frustrating!

This isn’t just an issue with new riders; even seasoned professionals have been known to experience the same frustration from time-to-time–and it’s important that we understand why this happens so that we can avoid it happening again (or at least know what caused it).

More Nutrition from Food and Supplements

Horses need to eat a variety of foods and supplements to stay healthy. Digestion is an important part of their diet, as it allows them to get the most out of their food by breaking it down into usable nutrients. 

But if your horse cannot chew properly, he may not be able to digest all the nutrition contained in his food or supplements–leading him down a path towards unhealthy weight loss or even starvation!

Providing supplements to your horse can help support their overall health and performance. Check out our guide to the top 15 supplements every horse owner should know about to learn more about how you can keep your horse healthy and happy.

Less Risk of Disease Transmission To Humans

If your horse has dental problems, it’s likely he will be uncomfortable and have trouble eating. This can lead to poor nutrition and other health problems that could be transmitted back up the food chain. 

For example, if your horse has a bad tooth or tooth abscess that causes him pain or discomfort when he eats hay or grain, he may not eat enough of either one of these foods because they hurt his mouth so much. In turn this may cause nutritional deficiencies in both you AND your horse!

The best way to avoid any of these situations is by making regular visits with us at Smiles For Horses Dental Care Center so we can keep tabs on your pet’s dental health from start-to-finish!

Better Digestive Health

Another benefit of regular dental care is that it can improve your horse’s digestive health. The risk of colic, choke and other digestive problems is reduced when you keep their teeth in good shape.

Because food is more easily digested and less wasted with healthy teeth, the risk of colic decreases as well. 

Horses are not able to chew their food properly with unhealthy molars so they end up swallowing large chunks which can cause blockages in their stomachs or intestines if they don’t digest well enough before being excreted through the rectum (another reason why manure should never be fed back to horses).

When you brush your horse’s teeth regularly you’ll notice that there will be less waste product coming out in their droppings because they are digesting everything properly before passing it through into their gut where most nutrients are absorbed into circulation from there

As horses age, they may experience health issues that require additional care and attention. Our guide on common health issues in senior horses provides insight into potential issues and how to help support your horse’s health and longevity.

Fewer Problems During Routine Dental Treatment

Horses that receive regular dental care will have fewer problems during routine dental treatment. The horse’s mouth is a sensitive area, and many problems can be caused by improper teeth or gums. 

For example, if your horse has bad breath or swollen cheeks, it may be because of an abscessed tooth or gum problem. If not treated quickly enough, these conditions can cause pain for your pet and make eating difficult! 

That’s why it’s important for you to learn about what types of dental issues could arise so that if any arise in the future (which they probably will), then you will have some idea how best handle them with minimal fuss

Fewer problemsRegular dental care reduces issues during treatment
Reduced painProper dental care minimizes pain and discomfort
Improved hygieneRegular cleaning reduces risk of infection and inflammation
Better performanceHealthy teeth allow for proper chewing and improved digestion
Cost-effectivePreventative care is less expensive than treating dental issues

Regular dental care is crucial for horses to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Horses that receive routine care will have fewer problems during treatment, such as reduced pain and improved hygiene. Proper dental hygiene is also important for better performance and is more cost-effective than treatment for severe issues.

Better Attitude and Temperament at Home And in The Show Ring

Having a horse with bad teeth can be frustrating. If your horse has to work hard to chew and eat, he may get frustrated or irritated. This could lead to aggressive or violent behavior, especially if he’s in pain from his gums or mouth being sore.

When you take care of your horse’s dental health, it can make a big difference in how well-behaved he is around people and other horses. 

Horses are social animals who enjoy spending time together; if one animal has poor oral health, it’s likely that the rest will follow suit–so keeping up on regular dental cleanings is essential for maintaining good relationships between pets at home!

Proper hoof care is essential in maintaining a horse’s health and wellness. Check out our guide on hoof care 101 to learn more about how you can keep your horse’s feet in top shape and prevent potential health issues.

Healthier Teeth and Gums

Dental problems can cause pain and discomfort, which can lead to poor performance. They can also lead to other health issues like colic, weight loss and bad body condition. 

Without proper dental care your horse could develop a poor attitude towards feed and handling.

Prevention Of Potential Serious Problems Associated With Poor Dental Care

Poor dental care can lead to serious problems. If your horse’s teeth are not regularly cleaned, they can become overgrown and infected. 

This can lead to colic (the horse will be in pain), infection, pain and suffering for your pet, or even euthanasia if the problem is severe enough.

No.Potential ProblemsPrevention / Treatment
1.Sharp points and uneven wearRegular dental check-ups and filing
2.Loose or broken teethPrompt veterinary attention
3.Difficulty chewingProper diet and dental care
4.Poor weight managementProper diet and dental care
5.Bad breathProper dental care and treatment for underlying issues
6.Head tossing and resistance when riddenProper dental care and management of any underlying issues

The Prevention of Potential Serious Problems Associated with Poor Dental Care table presents several dental problems that can occur in horses and how to prevent or address them. Regular dental check-ups and filing can prevent sharp points and uneven wear.

Prompt veterinary attention is necessary for loose or broken teeth. Proper diet and dental care can help address difficulty chewing and poor weight management. Proper dental care and treatment for underlying issues can help alleviate bad breath. Proper dental care and management of underlying issues can also help reduce head tossing and resistance when ridden.


If you’re concerned about your horse’s dental health, the best thing to do is schedule an appointment with a vet who specializes in equine dentistry. 

Your vet will be able to examine your horse’s teeth and gums and recommend treatment options based on his or her individual needs.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for learning about the importance of dental care for horses:

The American Association of Equine Practitioners: The Importance of Maintaining the Health of Your Horse’s Mouth – The AAEP provides valuable information on the role dental care plays in a horse’s overall health and wellness.

Dengie Horse Feeds: The Importance of Regular Dental Care for Horses – Dengie Horse Feeds discusses the importance of dental care for horses and shares tips on how to keep your horse’s teeth healthy.

The Daily Reporter: The Advantages of Equine Dentistry – The Daily Reporter talks about the benefits of equine dentistry, including improved chewing, better weight management, and more.


What are some dental problems that horses can face?

Horses can experience a variety of dental problems, including sharp points, uneven wear, and loose or missing teeth. These issues can lead to pain, discomfort and difficulty chewing.

How does dental care impact a horse’s overall health?

Proper dental care is crucial for a horse’s overall health and wellness. It can help prevent dental problems, improve digestion, and even enhance performance.

How often should I have my horse’s teeth checked by a veterinarian?

It is recommended that horses receive a dental exam and floating (filing down sharp points) at least once a year. However, some horses may require more frequent dental check-ups depending on their individual needs.

What are some signs that my horse may be experiencing dental problems?

Some common signs that your horse may be experiencing dental issues include difficulty chewing or dropping feed, weight loss, bad breath, head tossing, and resistance when ridden.

How can I help maintain my horse’s dental health between veterinary check-ups?

In addition to regular veterinary check-ups, providing a proper diet that is easily chewed and digested, and regularly cleaning your horse’s teeth with a soft toothbrush can help maintain their dental health between check-ups.