Jumping Techniques For Advanced Riders

If you’re an advanced rider, you know how important it is to keep up your skills and stay sharp. You don’t want to be the person who’s always falling behind or getting stuck in a rut – especially if you have kids who are constantly challenging you! 

Luckily, there are many ways that advanced riders can keep their jumping techniques sharp.

3 Jump Exercises for every rider w/ Han Equestrian & Amanda
– Proper riding techniques are essential for ensuring safety while horseback riding.
– Having the right safety equipment can help riders avoid injuries and stay comfortable while they ride.
– Practicing desensitization techniques with your horse can help you build trust and confidence.
– Understanding common mistakes can help riders avoid them and improve their chances of success at a horse show.
– Further reading includes articles on improving jumping techniques across different disciplines.

Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish your goals. When you visualize yourself riding the jump, you are mentally practicing and preparing for the real thing. 

You can use this technique to help build confidence in yourself and your horse, which will increase their chances of success on course or at home in an arena.

  • Visualize your horse taking a jump
  • Visualize yourself riding the jump
  • Imagine yourself riding the perfect approach, take off and landing while keeping your balance in check (and not falling off!)
  • Picture yourself making it over every fence without missing one stride or making any mistakes

Riding is a thrilling sport, but it’s important to prioritize safety. As our article on The Importance of Proper Riding Techniques for Safety notes, the right techniques can help riders avoid some of the most common injuries associated with horseback riding.

Increase Pace

Speed is one of the key factors in increasing your jumping ability. You can increase your speed by riding faster or by riding in a straight line while maintaining a constant speed, then accelerating at the last possible moment before takeoff. 

This will give you more momentum and therefore allow you to jump higher and further than before.

Update Your Technique

If you are a more advanced rider, it is important to keep your technique updated. If you are on an older bike or one that hasn’t been serviced in a while, check out our maintenance guide for some tips on how to keep your bike running smoothly.

When it comes time for you to update your technique, there are several ways that this can be done:

Try riding trails that are more challenging than those in which you normally ride. This will help build up strength and make the skills necessary for advanced riding easier over time as well as providing an opportunity for new challenges!

Ride with someone who is better than yourself at mountain biking (or another sport) so that they can show off their skills and inspire yours!

Horseback riding can be dangerous, but it doesn’t have to be. By following our guide to The Top 15 Pieces of Safety Equipment Every Rider Needs, riders can ensure they have the right gear to stay safe and comfortable while they ride.

Improving Bending

You can improve your bending by:

  • Bending your knees, elbows and back.
  • Keeping your head up, looking forward and not down at the ground.
  • Not bending too much or else you will fall over! It’s important to keep yourself relaxed during this process so that you don’t hurt yourself or strain any muscles unnecessarily.

If you practice these techniques in front of a mirror, it will help improve their effectiveness as well as give yourself visual feedback on what is working best for you personally when attempting them on a regular basis (for example: if I bend my knee more than another person does then maybe it means something else needs improving).

Practice Quartering

Quartering is a way to move your horse sideways while riding. It’s an advanced technique that can be used in many different situations, but it’s especially helpful when you want to turn your horse without using your reins or leg aids.

To practice quartering, start with a loose rope halter on the ground so that when you place one hand on each side of its head and pull gently (without pulling too hard), it will move away from you. 

The goal here is not to get any resistance from the halter; if there’s any tension in the rope at all, then try adjusting how much slack is left so there isn’t any extra movement available before they begin moving away from each other – this will help keep things smooth!

Once they are moving smoothly back-and-forth across each other’s necks without much effort required by either party involved (pony or rider alike), try slowly increasing speed until both horses are trotting along comfortably together without any issues whatsoever occurring between them; these movements should feel natural enough so that both parties involved don’t struggle during these exercises due to lack of coordination between each other.”

Even the most experienced riders can benefit from a refresher on horseback riding safety. If you’re looking for tips on staying safe while you ride, check out Understanding the Risks: A Guide to Horseback Riding Safety for helpful advice and insights.

Find the Right Path

To find the right path, you need to choose the correct striding pattern and stride length. You also need to choose an angle of approach that works with your body and training history.

  • Choose a Stride Length

To find the right stride length, first consider how much time you have available for your jump attempt (i.e., do you have enough energy left after all of those other tasks?). If there’s not enough time for your horse to get airborne before landing safely, pick him up earlier in his stride–meaning he’ll have less ground covered before launching off into space!

Improve Your Listening Skills

  • Listen to the Horse

The most important thing you can do is listen to your horse. Horses have an incredible ability to communicate through body language and behavior, so if something doesn’t feel right, try asking yourself “What does this mean?” If your horse is tense or unhappy, ask yourself what might be causing it: are you riding too quickly? 

Is he feeling insecure because of a lack of confidence in his rider? If so, try slowing down or working on some basic exercises together until he feels more confident again.

  • Listen To Your Body

Listen to how your body feels when riding as well; if something hurts or feels uncomfortable (like saddle pressure), then make adjustments accordingly! 

You may need new tack (or no tack at all) if something doesn’t fit right; maybe there’s an adjustment that can be made with stirrups or girths…the possibilities are endless!

Curved Lines

Curved lines are a great way to improve your jumping technique, speed and balance. They also help you gain confidence in the air by improving your ability to control the bike while airborne. 

Here’s how:

Start out with a curved line that has as many jumps as possible (preferably about five). Try not to go too fast or slow through this section of trail; just find a pace that feels comfortable for you and stick with it throughout this exercise.

2a) If you’re having trouble keeping up with your bike when it lands from each jump, try riding over smaller obstacles such as roots instead of trying harder jumps until they become easier for you; this will give you more time between landing and taking off again so that there’s no chance of losing control over where your tires are pointing at any given moment during flight time!

2b) Another option would be choosing wider trails where there aren’t any obstacles close together either side-to-side OR front/backward directionally speaking (i.e., riding parallel tracks). This will allow riders enough space between each other so they won’t collide while going airborne!

Horses can be skittish creatures, and even the most docile of them can exhibit signs of fear or uncertainty. If you’re struggling with a horse that’s afraid of common objects or sounds, our guide on Desensitizing Your Horse to Common Fears can help you build confidence and trust with your equine partner.

Choose the correct Stride Length

Before you can choose the correct stride length, you need to know how to determine it. You should always be aware of your own body and what feels comfortable for you when jumping. If a horse is moving too fast for your comfort level, then it may be time to adjust your stride length by either lengthening or shortening it.

A good way to determine if your horse is moving at an appropriate speed is by paying attention to their breathing rate; if they’re breathing heavily or breathing quickly with little breaks in between breaths, chances are they’re going too fast.

Stay Positive!

While it’s important to be realistic, you should also keep in mind that there are no limits on what you can do if you put in the work and stay positive.

It’s easy for us humans to get caught up in our own self-defeating thoughts and lose sight of our goals. But when we do this, we end up feeling like a failure before we even get started! 

The truth is that failure isn’t something that happens–it’s something WE decide TO BE. 

So instead of thinking about what could go wrong (and therefore making it happen), think about all the ways things will go right instead!

Benefits of Staying Positive for a Successful Horse Riding Experience

Benefits of Staying PositiveBrands/Products
Increases motivation and confidenceAriat® riding gear
Can help reduce anxiety and nervousnessChillax® powder supplement for horses
Promotes a better connection with your horseTrust-In™ Equiscentials products
Creates a more enjoyable riding experienceBack on Track® riding apparel
Fosters a growth mindset and a willingness to learnSmartPak® Academy horsemanship courses
Can lead to improved performance and successOgilvy® saddle pads and accessories
Encourages a positive outlook on life in generalHorze® equestrian apparel

Staying positive and maintaining a can-do attitude can have a powerful impact on your horse riding experience. Incorporating products from brands like Ariat®, Chillax®, Trust-In™, Back on Track®, SmartPak®, Ogilvy®, and Horze® can help you stay motivated, confident, and focused, leading to greater success and enjoyment in the saddle.

Change Up Routes

One of the best ways to improve your jumping is to change up your routes. You can do this by finding different places to ride, riding in different weather and seasons, riding with a group of people, or even riding alone. 

The goal should be to challenge yourself as much as possible while still having fun!

Ride in different locations: Switching up where you ride will help keep things interesting–and it’s also an easy way to get more practice on new jumps without having to spend hours traveling there and back each time. 

If your local park has some unique features like tabletop jumps or rollerskate bowls (or even just some challenging barriers), try riding there instead of heading straight for those familiar flat bars or rails every time out.

Ride in different seasons: Your body will naturally adapt based on what type of weather conditions exist when practicing tricks–so if possible, try jumping when there’s snow on the ground instead of just grassy fields; winter air makes everything feel tighter and more secure than summer heat does!

Horse shows can be stressful, but by avoiding common mistakes you can improve your chances of success. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or a first-timer, our article on The Top Mistakes Horse Show Competitors Make and How to Avoid Them has everything you need to know to prepare for a big show.


Relax your body. Relax your mind. Relax your horse. Relax the surroundings, and even yourself if you’re riding in an arena or at a show where there are lots of people around who might be watching you ride and judging how well (or not) you do it.

And finally, relax with your breathing: don’t hold it or breathe too quickly or shallowly; just breathe naturally as if nothing unusual is happening at all!

Ways to Relax for a Better Horse Riding Experience

Ways to RelaxBenefits
Practice deep breathing exercisesPromotes relaxation and calmness in both body and mind
Use aromatherapy products like lavender-scented essential oilsCan help reduce stress and anxiety
Incorporate stretching into your riding routineHelps release muscle tension and improve flexibility
Use a high-quality riding helmet like the Charles Owen Ayr8® helmetPromotes safety and peace of mind
Listen to calming music or ambient soundsCan help create a tranquil environment and promote relaxation
Ride in a quiet, peaceful setting like the Cashel Crusader™ Quiet Ride Fly MaskCan help reduce distractions and promote relaxation for both you and your horse
Practice meditation or visualization exercisesCan help improve focus and reduce nervousness
Use a therapeutic horse pad like the Back on Track® therapeutic padCan help reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation in your horse

Incorporating these relaxation techniques into your riding routine can help you feel more calm, centered, and focused, leading to a better overall horse riding experience.


We hope that this article has helped you learn some new jumping techniques and improve your skills as a rider. 

Remember, not every technique works for everyone! If one doesn’t work for you or doesn’t feel natural then try another one until you find something that does. 

The most important thing is to keep practicing so that eventually all these different methods will come together into one fluid motion and allow you to execute them properly.

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles you may enjoy reading:

Improve Your Jumping Position with These Four Steps: This article from the International Equestrian Federation provides tips on how to improve your jumping position and get the most out of every jump.

Jumping Fundamentals: While this article is focused on mountain biking, the principles of jumping still apply. Learn how to improve your technique and get more air time with these jumping fundamentals.

Jumps with Jay Marmont: Motocross rider Jay Marmont shares his tips and tricks for jumping in this article from Transmoto. Whether you’re new to the sport or an experienced rider, you’re sure to pick up some helpful pointers.


What are some common mistakes riders make when jumping?

Some common mistakes riders make when jumping include leaning too far forward, using too much rein, failing to keep their eyes up, and jumping too early. By focusing on proper technique and body position, riders can avoid these mistakes and improve their jumping skills.

How can I improve my jumping position?

Improving your jumping position requires a combination of strength, balance, and technique. Some tips for improving your position include keeping your heels down, relaxing your hips, and maintaining a steady pace.

How can I build my confidence when jumping?

Building confidence when jumping starts with proper training and technique. By practicing on small jumps and gradually working your way up to larger ones, you can build your skills and your confidence at the same time.

What should I do if my horse refuses a jump?

If your horse refuses a jump, the first priority is always safety. Take a moment to regroup and assess the situation before attempting the jump again. Make sure your horse is listening to your cues and is properly warmed up before trying the jump again.

Are there any exercises I can do to improve my jumping skills?

Yes, there are several exercises that can help improve your jumping skills, including grids, bounces, and cavaletti. These exercises all help riders work on their balance, position, and timing to become more confident and effective jumpers.